A Short Statement of Our Core Beliefs
We hold to the divinely inspired truth of Scripture and claim the Bible as our only guide to faith and practice.
There is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God, the Sovereign Creator of the universe, cares personally for each of us as our heavenly Father.
We are unwavering in our worship and commitment to the deity and lordship of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, rose from the grave, ascended into heaven, and will one day return in judgment.
The Holy Spirit dwells within each Christian as a comforter, counselor, and encourager, and gives gifts for abundant living and assurance for eternal life.
Man, because of his personal sin, needs to be made whole and restored to fellowship with God through Jesus Christ.
Anyone can be saved by trusting in Jesus as Savior and Lord and validating that faith through personal repentance, public profession, and water baptism.
Ours is a water baptism by immersion for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We delight in the fellowship of believers and seek to find that fellowship with all Christians.
We gather at the Lord’s Table each Sunday to remember Him, renew the covenant and proclaim his death until he returns. We invite all Christians to join us because it is His table, not ours.