Wednesday Walk
-Wednesday Walk-
A verse by verse study of the Bible
-Supper Club-
Food and Fellowship at various local eateries
MonthlySupper Club
-4:12 High School Group-
Students learning to live 1 Timothy 4:12
4:12 High School Youth Group
Building community following High School
Family Activity Night
-Family Activity Nights-
Every month an activity for the whole church family
Dad's Group
-Dad's Group-
Men seeking to be better Dads, Husbands and Friends
Saturday Men's Group
-Saturday Men's Group-
Growing as Disciples and Students of the Word
-Mom 2 Mom-
Moms with kiddos under 18 Learn, Laugh and Love one another (begins in September)
Mom 2 Mom
Timothy Project
-Timothy Project-
Practical guidance preparing Sermons, Lessons and Devotions (begins in September
Middle School Youth Group
-Middle School Group-
Building friendships while learning about Jesus
-Friday Night Men's Study-
Fellowship and Bible Study for Men
Hummingbirds, Sparrows and Eagles
-Children's Classes-
Children's groups that meet during the Sunday worship
For all who wish to make a Joyful Noise to the Lord